Health effect after inhalation of ultrafine and nano particles of increasing concern?
发布者:公共卫生学院 编辑:张瑛 时间:2024-05-07
讲座题目:Health effect after inhalation of ultrafine and nano particles of increasing concern?
主讲人:Prof.dr. Flemming R. Cassee
Flemming Cassee, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands Institute for Risk Assessment Studies Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Inhalation toxicologist since 1995, supports government authorities (national, WHO, EU) by coordinating and conducting research and providing advice to policy makers an regulators. His research focus is on ambient particulate matter and airborne nanomaterials and microplastics. He is a professor in Inhalation Toxicology at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences at the Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is also chief science officer at the National Institute for Public.