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作者:公共卫生学院   时间:2020-05-15  










(5)美国Anderson癌症中心合作课题(YJQT201201),DNA损伤及慢性炎症在结直肠癌发病中的作用(DNA Damage and Inflammation and Tumorigenesis in Colon Cancer)、负责人。

(6)上海市卫生局面上项目(JG1103), 线粒体TRAP1分子对肿瘤转移影响的研究、负责人。


(1)Yi Sun; Huang Xiaoyan; Liu Yun; Liu Chaoqun; Wen Jialing; Yang Liu; Zhao Yingqi; Yi Peipei; Peng Junjun;Yuanming L*. Identification of Key Candidate Genes and Pathways for Relationship between Ovarian Cancer and Diabetes Mellitus Using Bioinformatical Analysis.Asian Pacific J Cancer Prevention.2019 Jan 25;20(1):145-155.

(2)Sun Y, Wang Y, Yuan S, Wen J, Li W, Yang L, Huang X, Zhao Y,Lu Y*.Exposure to PM2.5 via vascular endothelial growth factor relationship: Meta-analysis.PLoS One.2018 Jun 18;13(6): 1-12.

(3)Sun Y, Zou HL, Yang L, Zhou M, Shi X, Yang Y, Chen W, Zhao Y,Lu Y*.Effect on the liver cancer cell invasion ability by studying the associations between autophagy and TRAP1 expression.Oncol Lett.2018 Jul 16(1): 991-997.

(4)Lu Y, Gao J,Lu Y*.Down-expression pattern of Ku70 and p53 coexisted in colorectal cancer.Med Oncol.2015 Apr; 32(4):519.

(5)Lu Y,Gao JY,Lu Y*. Downregulated Ku70 and ATM associated to poor prognosis in colorectal cancer among Chinese Patients.OncoTargets and Therapy.2014, 7:1955-61

(6)Lu Y, Zhou Changhua, Zhou Ping,Lu Y*. TYMs serve as a prognostic indicator to predict the lymph node metastasis in Chinese patients with colorectal cancer.Clin Biochem.2013,46(15): 1478

(7)Lu Y,Song Baorong, Gao Jingyan, Cai Sanjun. BRCA1 and ERCC1 mRNA levels are associated with lymph node metastasis in Chinese patients with colorectal cancer.BMC Cancer2013, 6(13): 103

(8)Lu Y, Gao JY, Song BR, Peng JJ, Cai SJ. Expression of EGFR, Her2 predict lymph node metastasis (LNM) associated metastasis in colorectal cancer.Cancer Biomarkers2012, 11(5):219

(9)Gao JY, Song BR, Peng JJ,Lu Y*.Correlation between TRAP-1 expression levels and lymph node metastasis in human colorectal cancer:The importance to the initial evaluation of clinical outcome of colorectal cancer patients.WorldJGastroenterology2012,18(41): 5965

(10)Matts RL, Brandt GE,Lu Y, Dixit A, Mollapour M, Wang S, Donnelly AC, Neckers L, Verkhivker G, Blagg BS.A systematic protocol for the characterization of Hsp90 modulators.Bioorg Med Chem. 2011 Jan 1;19(1):684-92.

(11)Urban MJ, Li C, Yu C,LuY, Krise JM, McIntosh MP, Rajewski RA, Blagg BS, Dobrowsky RT.Inhibiting heat-shock protein 90 reverses sensory hypoalgesia in diabetic mice.ASN Neuro. 2010 Aug 11;2(4).

(12)Shelton SN, Shawgo ME, Matthews SB,Lu Y, Donnelly AC, Szabla K, Tanol M, Vielhauer GA, Rajewski RA, Matts RL, Blagg BS, Robertson JD.KU135, a novel novobiocin-derived C-terminal inhibitor of the 90-kDa heat shock protein, exerts potent antiproliferative effects in human leukemic cells.Mol Pharmacol.2009 Dec; 76(6):1314-22.

(13)Lu Y, Ansar S, Michaelis ML, Blagg BS. Neuroprotective activity and evaluation of Hsp90 inhibitors in an immortalized neuronal cell line.Bioorg Med Chem. 2009, 17(4):1709

(14)Lu Y, Yang Q, Du Y, Yang C. Expression analysis of lymphangiogenic factors in human colorectal cancer with quantitative RT-PCR.Cancer Invest.2007, 25(6): 393

(15)Yuanming L, Lei T, Ying W. Quantitative analysis of lymphangiogenic markers in human gastroenteric tumor.Arch Med Res.2007, 38(1):106

(16)Lu Y, Hu Q, Yang C. Histidine 89 is an essential residue for Hsp70 in the phosphate transfer reaction.Cell Stress & Chaperones.2006, 11(2):148

(17)Gao F, Lu YM(co-author), Cao ML, Wang Y. Expression and quantification of LYVE-1 in human colorectal cancer.Clin Exp Med.2006, 6(2):65-71


(1)广西教育厅教改课题项目(A类,2015JGA305), TBL教学法在分子毒理学理论教学中的应用,主持人

(2)国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十三五”规划教材,全国高等学校教材,人民卫生出版社教材,《环境与全球健康》,2016年9月,ISBN 978-7-117-23028-5,编委

(3)国家教委科技进步三等奖(证书号:96429;获奖人:叶舜华,彭宝成,吕元明,周伟;1996 )






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